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This focuses on improving squat depth and improving rotational range of motion. If stretching the right hip, bring right elbow as close to right heel as possible opening up hip as wide as possible while keeping heel on ground. Objective: 5 reps, holding for 10 seconds in each position.

Keep low back, wrists, and elbows against wall
1) Lie on Back 2) Tuck a rolled up towel in between the moving elbow and trunk 3) internally and externally rotate to full range of motion without compensating

Objective is to improve range of motion in the spine pre workout. Perform 5x5 reps on back then stomach. Goal is to get foot as close as possible to opposite hand. Should not feel pain!

Perform with your back flat against the wall throughout the entire movement, feet 6 inches off the wall. The objective is to achieve full lockout of the arms overhead, followed by tucking your elbows into your "back pockets" at the bottom of the movement. 6-8 reps


Very challenging exercise for most athletes because it incorporates Glute strength, core strength, and shoulder stability. Start out 6" off the wall on elbow, keep top leg in contact with the wall throughout the movement. Perform is 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps. If too challenging, lie on side.


1) start on Elbow 2) progress to hand/wris





A variation of hollow hold positions to effectively strengthen the core and train the athlete how to maintain midline stability while simultaneously moving upper and lower extremities, needed during crossfit.


This exercise is great for glute activation and lumbar stability. 

1) keep forearms vertical throughout movement 2) avoid elbows from winging out 3) keep low back flat against wall as you try to achieve full shoulder flexion
1) soft knee bend 2) keep back flat throughout the entire movement 3) Focus on sticking butt out rather than bending over
1) keep top hand on back of head 2) he thought of head on back of tailbone 3) maintain soft knee bend

1) Pull hands through knees 2) Straighten Right Leg, pull band towards right knee 3) Switch Legs

1) start on all fours with band around hips 2) keep arms locked out as you push your hips towards the ground by squeezing the glutes 3) look straight ahead.

One of the most basic yet effective core strengthening exercises when performed properly. Increase difficulty by adding weight, increasing the time, or decreasing lower extremity support.


This exercise should be performed with core engaged and keeping your back flat during the movement. Add a band to increase difficulty. Using a mirror or video is advisable as there is a large difference between performing the exercise correctly and incorrectly.

1) Band around right hand and left foot 2) kick leg straight back while punching arm straight forward 3) keep midline tight, do not arch back
Maintain low back, wrists, and elbows against wall
1) Move opposite arm opposite leg 2) Keep back Flat 3) butt down 4) controlled movement
1) stand on band shoulder width apart 2) Pull band up back 3) Keep spine flat 4) focus on hip hinge vs bending over

1) Keeping legs locked out 2) top hand glued to the back of the head 3) bottom hand locked onto the tailbone 4) Focus on sticking butt out rather than bending over 5) increase range of motion every rep

1) Keeping legs locked out 2) top hand glued to the back of the head 3) bottom hand locked onto the tailbone 3) Focus on sticking butt out rather than bending over 4) increase range of motion every rep
1) Keep arms locked out 2) push weight towards ceiling 3) feet elevated on bench or Swiss ball