Intro to the Ankle
Soft Tissue Work
Great soft tissue exercise to decrease myofascial restriction in the achilles Tendon and calf muscles. Perform 2-3 min, focus on tender points.
This stretch is an excellent drill to improve squat depth via stretching the calves in a functional position. Keep the barbell as close to knees as possible. Start with 45lb bar, add weight as necessary. Perform 3x60-90". Long Duration stretch
Focus on 10" with knee extended and 10" knee bent. Perform 60-90". Tip: move hips closer to the wall to increase stretch, not shoulders.
Barbell Assisted Squat. The main goal of this exercise is to improve ankle mobility in a functional/bottom of squat position. The bar should be as close to the knee as possible, 2-3 sets of 1 min each. Add weight to increase the stretch
Prevent calf injuries by keeping your achilles and gastrocnemius strong by performing this exercises 2x20 reps.
Ankle circles help warm up the ankle while strengthening it.